
Air conditioning tips

1. try to yours thermostat between 72°F and 78°F. Each degree setting below 78°F will increase your energy consumption by approximately 8%. As you can see, that can add up to a lot of money over a year.
2. Inspect and clean both the indoor and outdoor AC/Heating coils. The indoor coil in your air conditioner acts as a magnet for dust because it is constantly wet during the cooling season. Dirt build-up on the indoor coil is the single most common cause of poor efficiency. The outdoor coil must also be checked periodically for dirt build-up and cleaned if necessary.
3. Check the refrigerant charge. The circulating fluid in your air conditioner is a special refrigerant gas that is put in when the system is installed. If the system is overcharged or undercharged with refrigerant, it will not work properly. You may need a service contractor to check the fluid and adjust it appropriately.
Use bath and kitchen fans sparsely when you are running the air conditioning system.
Reduce the cooling load by using cost-effective conservation measures. For example, effectively shade east and west windows. When possible, delay heat-generating activities, such as baking, until the evening on hot days.


EWC 2014 new products catalog coming soon!

Questions and answers about gas R410A and R407C



Why use HFC?
  • HFC does not contain chlorine, it is not flammable or toxic. It does not destroy the ozone layer if accidentally released into the atmosphere.
  • The cooling efficiency of HFC, is equal to or greater than that of HCFC.
  • The use of HFCs are becoming prevalent. It is already used in Japan, the U.S. and, to a lesser extent in Europe.
What type of refrigerant is R410A?
  • R410A is a mixture of 50% R32 and R125. Its components R410A? They are harmless to the ozone layer.
  • The ODP (ozone depletion potential) of R410A is 0. The R22 is 0.055.
  • The GWP (direct greenhouse effect) is 1740, virtually the same as the R22 is 1700.
  • The cooling performance with R410A is higher than that reached with R22.
  • The pressures that work with R410A are between 50% and 60% higher than those of R22.
What are the advantages of R410A?
  • The ODP = 0, does not harm the ozone layer. (ODP R22 = 0.055)
  • R410A performance is similar to R22 in normal conditions. For high capacities and low temperatures, the performance of R410A is substantially higher than that of R22.
What disadvantages does the R410A?
  • The pressures that working with R410A, are 1.6 times greater than those of R22.
What are the key points in the technical development?
  • When used R410A instead of R22, oil used for R22 can not be used with R410A due to the impossibility of mixing.
  • So you have to use a new oil for the new refrigerant. The key point is to ensure high reliability using these new products.
  • Another key point is to optimize the cooling, as the compressor and heat exchangers to achieve good performance. We have re-examined all the refrigeration cycle.
Does it affect the high pressure to the safety of air conditioners?
  • All components of the units have been developed, so that the safety level of these devices equals that we had in the conventional R22.
Is this toxic coolant?
  • It is confirmed that neither R32 or R125, are toxic as R22.
Why R134a is not used?
  • The cooling capacity of R134a is 40% lower than the R22. For this reason the R134a is not considered useful for cooling.
R407C Why not use it?
  • The performance of HVAC R410A, is substantially higher than that of R407C.
  • The refrigerant charging procedures are the same as R22.
  • However we must be especially careful.
  • Due to the high pressure that works. We have to use appropriate equipment and tools.

Protection of the Ozone Layer

What measures to protect the environment have been made ​​about R22 devices already sold?
  • It is necessary to take into account the protection of the ozone layer, pick the refrigerant for reuse or destruction, when repair or replacement of home air conditioning is performed.
What efforts must make regarding refrigerants?
  • We try to use HFC equipment.
  • With regard to the urgency of protecting the ozone layer, we must focus on collecting all the HCFC pair reuse or destruction.
  • If we use more and more tasks HFC in our repair facility to get, though not immediately, have a high degree of use of HFC as the old equipment are completed life.
What measures are taken to prevent leakage of refrigerant during installation?
  • In recent years, the installers instructions with respect to the vacuum process are given. This helps to reduce the discharge of refrigerant to the atmosphere. We must strengthen the use of vacuum process to minimize leakage of refrigerant.
What is the trend of the industry?
  • The trend toward alternative refrigerants walks. The R410A is used for small capacities, R410A and R407C capacities for medium and large capacities for R407C. However, the policy regarding refrigerants varies significantly from one manufacturer to another.
  • The shift to alternative refrigerants, varies in accordance with the policies of each company.

Regulation of CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons)

CFC Why is regulated?
  • Although the effect of CFCs on the environmental degradation vary, when they are released, they break down in the atmosphere. When they reach the stratosphere, ultraviolet rays strike them. The chemical reaction with the chlorine acts as a catalyst and reduces ozone.
  • The hole caused by the reduction of the ozone layer, harmful ultraviolet radiation passes through it and reaching the Earth's surface.
  • Using destroying ozone layer such as CFCs, must be regulated for environmental protection.
Are they regulated HCFC internationally?
  • According to the Montreal Protocol: With respect to the total amount so reduced in 1996 to 65% in 2004 to 35% in 2010 and will be completely banned in 2020.

The direct greenhouse effect (GWP)

What is the direct greenhouse effect of R410A?
  • Theoretically, the performance of R410A is from 92% to 95% of R22, but, currently, the performance of R22 and R410A are equal.
  • We're constantly improving our products in relation to energy saving. The GWP of R410 is 1740, similar to the R22 = 1700. We should minimize direct greenhouse effect, collecting all of the coolant and prevent leakage thereof into the atmosphere.
How many years will allow the use of HFCs?
  • No dates but considering that we have a long period of use of alternative refrigerants.

Installation and service with new refrigerant (R410A)

What can we say about the installation work?
  • The installation method is basically the same. Given the high pressure of R410A, we have to use, pipes and tools adapted to these pressures.
  • To avoid errors in the use of tools and provide security for the facility, we proceed to perform manual and hold seminars.
What precautions are required for installation?
  • As with R22, should prevent moisture.
Can be reused pipes R22?
  • Due to the different type of oil used, the pipes should be perfectly clean before use with R410A.
  • R410A requires pipes to withstand the pressures to which the cooling capacity trabaja.Cuando is 4kW or more.
  • Keep in mind however, that for lower capacity 4Kw there pipes on the market which are not valid because they have inadequate wall thickness.
What if a team loaded with R22 R410A?
  • The diameter of the R410A service ports is different from R22 to charging hoses can not be used. This prevents the load with the wrong coolant.
Does it produce the decomposition of R410A, with fire, toxic substances?
  • R410A since no chlorine in their molecules, do not produce the same toxic substances as R22, but is also toxic.
  • If refrigerant leak near a point where there is fire occur, ventilate the room as with R22.
How can leak coolant?
  • You can use HFC detector or soapy water. What does not work is the detector torch as having no chlorine, no reaction with flame.
Can they be repaired in the future R22 units?
  • The R22 refrigerant will be collected and reused, so still available. When gradual reduction takes effect, it will be depleted in the absence of a balance between supply and demand.
  • We are confident that the lack of supply will not be inconvenient to use R22 equipment.
  • Due to the high pressure of R410A, this can not be used in R22 equipment for safety reasons.
Why different types of refrigerant depending on the capacity of the equipment used?
  • Due to the high pressure that works refrigerants would have to completely change the internal structure of the semi-industrial unit air conditioning, this makes it very difficult marketing R410A in semi-industrial equipment.
  • Additional charges with R407C, are complicated, as this is a non-azeotropic refrigerant mixture. This reduces the ability to ensure good performance.

Preguntas y respuestas sobre los gases R410A y R407C



¿Por qué usar HFC?
  • El HFC, no contiene cloro, no es inflamable ni tóxico. No destruye la capa de ozono si accidentalmente se libera a la atmósfera.
  • La eficiencia frigorífica de los HFC, es igual o superior que la de los HCFC.
  • El uso del HFC se va imponiendo. Es ya muy usado en Japón, Estados Unidos y, aunque en menor medida, en Europa.
¿Qué tipo de refrigerante es el R410A?
  • El R410A es una mezcla al 50% de R32 y R125. Sus componentes el R410A? son inofensivos para la capa de ozono.
  • El ODP (Potencial de destrucción del ozono), del R410A es 0. El del R22 es 0,055.
  • El GWP (Efecto invernadero directo) es de 1740, prácticamente igual que el del R22 que es 1700.
  • El rendimiento en climatización con R410A es superior al que alcanzamos con R22.
  • Las presiones a las que trabajamos con R410A son entre un 50% y un 60% más altas que las de R22.
¿Cuáles son las ventajas del R410A?
  • El ODP=0, no daña la capa de ozono. (ODP del R22=0,055)
  • El rendimiento con R410A es similar al de R22 en condiciones normales. Para altas capacidades y bajas temperaturas, el rendimiento del R410A es sensiblemente superior al del R22.
¿Qué desventajas tiene el R410A?
  • Las presiones a las que se trabaja con R410A, son 1,6 veces mayores que las de R22.
¿Cuáles son los puntos clave en el desarrollo técnico?
  • Cuando se usa R410A en vez de R22, el aceite usado para R22 no se puede usar con R410A debido a la imposibilidad de mezclarlos.
  • Por lo tanto hay que usar un nuevo aceite para el nuevo refrigerante. El punto clave es asegurar una alta fiabilidad usando estos nuevos productos.
  • Otro punto clave es el de optimizar el circuito de refrigeración, como el compresor y los intercambiadores de calor, para conseguir un buen rendimiento. Nosotros hemos vuelto a examinar todo el ciclo de refrigeración.
¿Afecta esta alta presión a la seguridad de los equipos de aire acondicionado?
  • Todos los componentes de las unidades, se han desarrollado, para que el nivel de seguridad de estos aparatos sea igual a la que teníamos en los convencionales de R22.
¿Es tóxico este refrigerante?
  • Está confirmado que ni el R32 ni el R125, son tóxicos al igual que el R22.
¿Por qué no se usa el R134a?
  • La capacidad de refrigeración de R134a, es el 40% más baja que la del R22. Por este motivo el R134a no se considera útil para refrigeración.
¿Por qué no se usa R407C?
  • El rendimiento en climatización del R410A, es sensiblemente superior a la del R407C.
  • Los procedimientos de carga de refrigerante son iguales a los del R22.
  • No obstante hay que tener especial cuidado.
  • Debido a la alta presión a la que trabaja. Tendremos que usar equipos y herramientas apropiados.

Protección de la capa de Ozono

¿Qué medidas para la protección del medio ambiente se han tomado con respecto a los aparatos de R22 ya vendidos?
  • Es necesario, para tener en cuenta la protección de la capa de ozono, recoger el refrigerante para su reutilización o destrucción, cuando se realiza una reparación o una sustitución de equipos de aire acondicionado.
¿Qué esfuerzos debemos realizar con respecto a los refrigerantes?
  • Debemos intentar utilizar equipos con HFC.
  • Con respecto a la urgencia de proteger la capa de ozono, debemos concentrarnos en recoger todo el HCFC par su reutilización o destrucción.
  • Si usamos cada vez más HFC en nuestras tareas de instalación reparación, conseguiremos que, aunque no inmediatamente, tengamos un alto grado de utilización del HFC a medida que los equipos antiguos vayan terminando su vida útil.
¿Qué medidas se toman para evitar la fuga de refrigerantes durante la instalación?
  • Desde hace unos años, se dan instrucciones a los instaladores, con respecto al proceso de vacío. Con esto se ayuda a reducir la descarga de refrigerante a la atmósfera. Debemos consolidar el uso del proceso de vacío para minimizar las fugas de refrigerante.
¿Cuál es la tendencia de la industria?
  • La tendencia camina hacia los refrigerantes alternativos. El R410A se usa para pequeñas capacidades, el R410A y el R407C para capacidades medias y el R407C para grandes capacidades. Sin embargo, la política con respecto a los refrigerantes varía sensiblemente de un fabricante a otro.
  • El cambio hacia los refrigerantes alternativos, varia en concordancia con las políticas de cada compañía.

Regulación del CFC (Clorofluorcarbono)

¿Por qué se regula el CFC?
  • Aunque el efecto de los CFC en la degradación del medio ambiente varían, cuando estos se liberan, se descomponen en la atmósfera. Cuando alcanzan la estratosfera, los rayos ultravioleta inciden sobre ellos. La reacción química con el cloro actúa de catalizador y reduce la capa de ozono.
  • El agujero causado por la reducción de la capa de ozono, deja pasar nocivos rayos ultravioleta a través de ella alcanzando así la superficie terrestre.
  • El uso de destructores de la capa de ozono como los CFC, debe ser regulado para la protección del medio ambiente.
¿Están regulados los HCFC internacionalmente?
  • Según el protocolo de Montreal: Con respecto a la cantidad total existente en 1996 se reducirá al 65% en el 2004, al 35% en el 2010 y quedará totalmente prohibido en el 2020.

El efecto invernadero directo (GWP)

¿Cuál es el efecto invernadero directo del R410A?
  • Teóricamente, el rendimiento del R410A es del 92% al 95% del R22, pero, en la actualidad, los rendimientos del R22 y R410A son iguales.
  • Seguimos mejorando nuestros productos en relación al ahorro energético. El GWP del R410 es de 1740, similar al del R22=1700. Nosotros debemos minimizar el efecto invernadero directo, recogiendo todo el refrigerante y previniendo las fugas del mismo a la atmósfera.
¿Cuántos años se permitirá el uso de los HFC?
  • No hay fechas pero se considera que tendremos un largo periodo de uso de los refrigerantes alternativos.

Instalación y servicio con nuevos refrigerantes (R410A)

¿Qué podemos decir sobre el trabajo de instalación?
  • El método de instalación es básicamente el mismo. Teniendo en cuenta la alta presión del R410A, tendremos que usar, tuberías y herramientas adaptadas a estas presiones.
  • Para evitar errores en el uso de herramientas y dar seguridad a las instalaciones, nosotros procedemos a realizar manuales e impartir seminarios.
¿Qué precauciones se requieren para la instalación?
  • Al igual que con R22, se debe prevenir la humedad.
¿Pueden reutilizarse tuberías de R22?
  • Debido al diferente tipo de aceite que usan, las tuberías deberían de quedar perfectamente limpias antes de ser usadas con R410A.
  • El R410A necesita tuberías que soporten las presiones a las que este trabaja.Cuando la capacidad de refrigeración es de 4Kw o más.
  • Hay que tener en cuenta no obstante, que para capacidades inferiores a 4Kw, hay tuberías en el mercado que no son validas debido a que tienen un grosor de pared inadecuado.
¿Qué ocurre si cargamos un equipo de R410A con R22?
  • El diámetro de los puertos de servicio de R410A es distinto al de R22 para que no puedan usarse las mangueras de carga. Esto previene la carga con un refrigerante equivocado.
¿Produce la descomposición del R410A, con el fuego, sustancias tóxicas?
  • Puesto que el R410A no contiene cloro en sus moléculas, no produce las mismas sustancias tóxicas que el R22, aunque es igualmente tóxico.
  • Si se producen fugas de refrigerante cerca de un punto donde haya fuego, hay que ventilar la habitación al igual que con R22.
¿Cómo se pueden detectar fugas de refrigerante?
  • Se puede utilizar un detector de HFC o agua jabonosa. Lo que no sirve es el detector de antorcha ya que al no haber cloro, no hay reacción con la llama.
¿Podrán repararse en el futuro unidades de R22?
  • El refrigerante R22 será recogido y reutilizado, por lo que seguirá estando disponible. Cuando la reducción gradual se lleve a efecto, se irá agotando al no haber un equilibrio entre el suministro y la demanda.
  • Estamos seguros de que la falta de suministro no será inconveniente para el uso de equipos de R22.
  • Debido a la alta presión del R410A, este no podrá ser usado en equipos de R22, por motivos de seguridad.
¿Por qué se usan distintos tipos de refrigerante dependiendo de la capacidad del equipo?
  • Debido a la alta presión a la que trabaja este refrigerante, tendríamos que cambiar totalmente la estructura interna de la unidad de aire acondicionado semi-industrial, esto hace muy difícil la comercialización del R410A en equipos semi-industriales.
  • Las cargas adicionales con R407C, se complican, al ser este refrigerante una mezcla no azeotrópica. Esto reduce la posibilidad de garantizar un buen rendimiento.


some Features about Air Condioner


Timer/Programmable Thermostat

Room air conditioners that feature automatic timers or programmable thermostats allow you to set the unit to run on its own for maximum convenience and efficiency. Timers are a simpler and less costly alternative to programmable thermostats. Just set the time you want the AC to start or stop. Timers allow you to keep your home cool, without continuously running the air conditioner while you’re away.

Digital/Electronic Controls

Digital controls give you more control and precision over the operation of your air conditioner. Many units with this feature will allow you to specify the exact temperature you desire. The ability to control temperature by degrees—instead of with HIGH or LOW settings—allows for more comfort and wastes less energy.

Remote Control

Models that include a remote control allow for easy temperature adjustments from anywhere in the room.

Quiet Operation

Designed to operate at quieter levels, these units make it easier to carry on a conversation or watch your favorite television program without needing to compete with the noise of your air conditioning unit.

Variable Fan Speeds

More speed settings give you greater control of air flow. The lower settings also help save money.

Easy-to-Access Filters

Slide-out filters make it easier to clean and remove dust and other allergens from the air. Regular maintenance will extend the service life of your air conditioner and help it operate at full efficiency.

Sleep Setting/Energy-Saving Setting

These allow the unit to operate at a very low setting, saving on energy costs while making the room more comfortable for sleeping.

Energy Efficiency and BTUs

Energy Efficiency and BTUs

EER - Energy Efficiency Rating

All new room air conditioners are required to carry an EER, or Energy Efficiency Rating, which ranges from 8 to 11.5. The ranking is important for consumers because air conditioners with higher EERs yield the most savings in monthly electric bills.
The higher EER also helps the environment by reducing greenhouse emissions. Check the yellow Energy Guide label on new room air conditioners when you’re shopping. A rating of 10 or higher will produce the most in energy savings, though these models are likely to cost a little more.

BTUs - British Thermal Units

When it comes to evaluating the energy efficiency of a room air conditioner, there are two pieces of information you should pay careful attention to – the unit’s EER and its BTU (British Thermal Units) rating.
The BTU rating is a number that essentially tells you how quickly and effectively a unit can cool the room where it is located. They generally range from around 5,000 BTUs to more than 20,000.
Consult the BTU calculator to the right for some general guidelines. The EER rating is determined by dividing the number of BTUs by the air conditioner’s wattage.

Selecting Your Air Conditioner

Size does matter when choosing an air conditioner, so it's important to get a unit with the cooling capacity to handle the room where it will be installed. A unit that is too small may not be able to cool a space efficiently, while an oversized air conditioner in too small a space will cycle on and off, wasting energy and decreasing the unit's ability to adequately dehumidify the room.

While there are many different types and sizes to choose from, not all air conditioners are created equal. As you shop for your new air conditioner consider the following:

          • Where and how the air conditioner will be installed or used?
          • How large is the room where you plan to install your new unit?
          • What special feature options are most beneficial to you?
          • Will you be installing your new air conditioner by yourself or will you have help?

Window units are by far the most popular. Models can be installed in most single or double-hung windows and typically come with accordion panels that allow for a secure fit. Some models can fit in sliding windows. They do require a support of some kind, such as a wooden plank or a specially designed shelf that can be attached to the exterior of your home for dedicated reinforcement.

Installing a window unit is an easy DIY project. Make sure you measure the inside window dimensions before you shop.

Advantages and Disadvantages

• Easy to install
• Easy to remove and store
• Affordable
• Heating and cooling units available
• Blocks window where installed 

Portable air conditioners or freestanding units can be used to cool a specific area in a home such as a bedroom. They don't require any permanent installation and instead have a standard window venting kit for the exhaust hose. Many portable units are mounted on casters so you can move them freely from room to room. They come with a large, flexible hose that is attached to a window for exhausting hot air, much like a clothes dryer is vented.

Most portable units have reservoirs that need to be periodically emptied, though some also come with optional hookups for a drainage hose. Some new models evaporate much of the moisture and exhaust it, greatly reducing the frequency of need to empty a container. Portable air conditioners can also be used to support any central HVAC (Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning) systems.

When choosing the right portable air conditioner be sure to measure the room size (length x width), match the room size with the BTU and check electrical requirements.

Advantages and Disadvantages

• Easy to set up or relocate
• Can use in multiple rooms
• Heavy-weight

• Less efficient

Built-in air conditioners can be installed in your wall for permanent placement and operation. These units often provide both cold and hot air operation for more versatile use. They are a great solution for rooms or additions to your house that may not be connected to the central heating and air conditioning system.

Wall units require opening a hole in an exterior wall. They don’t take up window space, and they allow for a more airtight and secure fit. Many window models can be installed through the wall, just add a frame to support the unit. Smaller units can be installed by handy do-it-yourselfers. Larger wall units may require professional installation.

Advantages and Disadvantages

• Permanent
• Models with heat function available

• Location flexibility
• Option to use wireless thermostat
• More expensive
• More involved installation
• Additional parts may be required


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Our products cover from mini splits,portable,air cooler to commercial A/C.
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